Friday, August 31, 2012

Once in a Blue Moon

PS: Have a great weekend and enjoy the full blue moon!

It’s a Blue Moon tonight… just in time for happy hour. (Actually, it's suppose to be visible around 7:30pm, just a bit past 5 o'clock somewhere). It only happens about once every 2.7 years... The next blue moon occurs on July 31, 2015. I'm so excited to enjoy it at the beach. Last night the moon was so bright from my apt, I can only image it in the great outdoors. Have a lovely one! xo


Princess Diana died fifteen years ago today. One, I can't believe that it was fifteen years ago that I was sitting on a sofa in Galveston with all my camp friends staring at the tv. Two, I can't believe what a new perspective her death has now knowing that she was only five years older than I am now. Thirty-six! So crazy.

About Town

Oh, hey, Lady.
Sometimes I forget how pretty she is...
KWash turned thirty on a boat! It was the perfect night to celebrate.
Reconnecting with ole friends is the best.
I mean, almost. Next to cheese, Neil Diamond, and gin. So, it's up there.
How can city that's so chaotic be so peaceful sometimes?
Cozy new friends.
Crazy, too. Because she went to biz school with my little cousin and one of my camp friends.
Small worlds collide.
Gugg grief
Doesn't even need a caption.
Jacob's Pickles. We loved the dickens out of you. We'll be back!!
George Surratt 2.0

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Super Suppertime

Last night, Erin, Alyssa and I went for a little run in the park. (Actually, my workout was more of a run/walk. Woof. Not the point.) So, as the moon came out over the lake way too early in my opinion, I realized "Dude, summer is almost over!" This is a little sad for me, as I (and most of my friends) tend to slow down when the weather cools down. This morning I was reading this blog post about Sunday Suppers in BK. Since my pocket book can't afford it, and I'm getting a new space (next month!!), I figured why not hibernate in doors with a Sunday Supper of our own?! Bring on the cheese and flower arrangements...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Simple Peace

The other weekend I went to this yoga retreat. I talked a lot about it. (We know this.)
But, honestly, I had no idea what to expect.

I showed up by myself. I was alone. And felt SO alone. Under prepared, I thought, and wondering what the hell did I get myself into. I have to say, I didn't really feel it then... I mean, it was only really a weekend... But I feel like in some ways that weekend has
changed me.

After many inhales and exhales, twists and inversions, I realized that at the end of the day, we are simple. We want health. And we want love. It’s so incredibly easy to forget and sweat the small stuff. 

All my life I’ve gone back and forth with sweating the small stuff. From worrying about my looks, to what people are thinking about me, to stressing out about "next move in life", obsessing for really no reason (orrrr annnyyy reason).

But recently I’ve simplified. I just realized this week that loss is a great teacher. Whenever we lose something, I feel like life is asking us to become more simple…and more happy.

For example, last week, I lost some health and vitality. Each day I woke up in pain. By Friday night, I was in bed as my friends went to the exhibit that I had been wanting to see. It made me realize that to simply have a functioning body is a gift.

Also recently, you know, I’ve lost a relationship. While in it, towards the end, I was always frustrated about something. But now, strangely, it feels like a simple gift just to wake up without emotional pain... no more worrying, wondering, defending myself.

From every loss, big or small, we learn to be more simple, which is really learning to be more happy. It’s such a beautiful thing. I feel stronger, fiercer, quieter, softer. It's such peace.

And I also know now that my body and mind are powerful enough for 8 hours of downward dogs, handstands, and meditation with the best of them. Say wha?!

Day Dreaming: Outdoor Beds

Monday, August 27, 2012

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Day Dreaming: California Dreaming

I had two friends recently that did cross country drives. I've always wanted to do that. I think it would be such an amazing experience. Head to Cali and the up the coast! Into the West. Amazing. I guess what I'm saying is don't be surprise if I want to take off soon.
I'm getting the itch.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday Motivation

I thought this was perfect post for my re-entry into "the real world".
Retreat pictures to come!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Speaking of Lunch

These make me want to have kids. There I said it.

Joy All Around

So the Vegan diet is starting to nerve me a bit today. I woke up really energetic, but as the morning went on I lost my motivation. I mean, what?! Lunch always motivates me!! So sulking downstairs, I felt like I didn't have much to look forward to... for lunch, for the rest of afternoon workwise... Total Sad Sally moment.

I came back to my desk, angrily stabbing my fork at my lunch, and started reading a bit. And ran across this little gem. "Joyfulness is a lot like air. The air is always there. You just have to breathe it in."

"The air is always there. You just have to breathe it in."  Loves it. Got it.

I realized, I have a beautiful freakin' meal. It's really colorful. It's super delicious. It's still lunch. So who the hell cares if it's not cheese?! 

Enjoy The Joy today...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday Motivation

So, it's been too long! I just basically took a whole week off from writing. I was able to focus on my birthday, friends' birthdays. 

I feel like taking that week off, though, makes me excited to come back. And this is going to be an interesting week to write about... If you haven't already heard, which is weird because I can't quit talking about it, I'm going on a yoga retreat this weekend. Upstate. On a lake.

I could not be more excited/nervous. Yoga and meditation for basically 8-10 hours a day. And more concerning, a vegan diet. So before, I turn my life upside down (literally) this weekend, I'm sporting the vegan lifestyle this week to get in the grove. 

I have to say Day One, you realize how much there is to think about in your food. It's a wake up call to paying more attention. Surprisingly, though, I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything... yet.